Neurofeedback is a computer based non-invasive, drug free learning strategy that helps to establish and maintain a state of balance within the brain. This state of balance is established by learning to regulate brainwave frequencies. Research has demonstrated that particular patterns of these frequencies can lead to either chronic negative thinking, low grade fear, anxiety, poor attention skills, and dysfunctional behavior or a state of general well-being, heightened mental clarity, optimism and a sense of peaceful contentment.
How Is Neurofeedback Done:
An individual sits or reclines in a comfortable chair and has sensors attached to their scalp. These sensors measure the electrical activity at specific sites in your brain. This information is then transferred onto a computer screen where feedback, via a computer game, is provided back to the client. Through this feedback, a client is able to learn which brainwaves to produce that help to establish and maintain physical and mental well-being.
What Is Neurofeedback Used For:
Because neurofeedback is so successful in helping to establish a state of balance within the brain, it has wide application for treating the symptoms of numerous conditions such as:
- Anxiety Disorders
- Panic Attacks
- Depression
- Mood Swings
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Developmental Trauma
- Sleep Disturbances
*Long Term Results
*Beneficial for Adults and Children
- Migraine and Tension Headaches
- Memory Disturbances
- Attention Issues
- Addictions
- Auto-Immune Disturbances (Lupus,Fibromyalgia, Crones)
How Frequent Should Training Sessions Be?
Initially it is recommended that a person comes in twice-a-week for neurofeedback therapy. Each session will last between 45 and 60 minutes. The length of the session will depend on each individual and his/her specific needs.
When a person comes in twice-a-week, it is not that they will have more sessions overall. One is just frontloading the training sessions, so that they will experience the positive effects of the treatment sooner than if they just came in once-a-week.
It can be likened to learning a new athletic skill, or how to play a musical instrument or learn a foreign language. The more one practices, the sooner one experiences positive results.
How Many Sessions Does A Person Need?
There is no set answer to this question, as it depends on the individual’s external circumstances and the severity of symptoms.
Generally speaking, though, you may expect to have between 20 to 30 sessions – often beginning to experience subtle positive changes within 6 to 8 consecutive neurofeedback sessions.
That said, in some cases, an individual may do less than 20 sessions, and some with more chronic and severe symptoms, may do significantly more than 30 sessions.
Again, the number of sessions depends on the individual and the severity of the symptoms.
For Further information about Neurofeedback, please check out the following websites.
EEG Info
EEG Education and Research
Internatinal Society for Neuroregulation and Research
About Neurofeedback
Articles About Neurofeedback On Various Topics:
Videos about Neurofeedback:
What is Neurofeedback – Addictions and Substance Abuse
Surprising results of Neurofeedback on traumatized patients